Studying Business Law at Yale
Navigating the Business Law Curriculum
Learn what courses you need to take and what analytical skills you should acquire to best prepare for a career in business law or in business. Explore the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Clinic, where you will counsel and complete transactional assignments for live clients, ranging from Yale student and faculty-lead ventures to innovative start-ups and emerging growth companies on the East Coast and around the globe.
More on the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Clinic.
Exploring Career Paths
Join the Center for the Marvin A. Chirelstein Colloquium series and other events to gain valuable perspectives from prominent speakers over lunch. Hear how they shaped their careers in law, business, and policy, and explore current issues and emerging trends in their fields.
More on the Marvin A. Chirelstein Colloquium.
View all Upcoming Events.
Engaging in Scholarship
Attend the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop series or the Weil, Gotshal & Manges Roundtable and discover what leading scholars in law and finance are studying. Review Working Papers to see the questions that your professors are exploring. Identify questions that can guide your own Supervised Analytical Writing (SAW) or Substantial Paper.
More on the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop and the Weil, Gotshal & Manges Roundtable.
Review Working Papers.
Finding Mentors
Not sure how to make the most of Yale? Choosing between clerkships? Curious about BigLaw? Interested in working in both the private and public sectors? Speak to Center Fellows David Zornow ’80 and Victoria Cundiff ’80.
View Finding Mentors.
Participating in Student Groups
Discover how the Center partners with Yale Law & Business Society and the Yale Journal on Regulation to fund programming and other opportunities for students.
Teaching Business Law
Are you interested in teaching in business law? Learn more about how you can earn a joint J.D.-Ph.D. in Finance Degree via a unique program between Yale Law School and Yale School of Management.
More on the J.D.-Ph.D. in Finance.
Lauren Hobby '18, Khori Davis '18, YLS Prof. and Center Dir. Roberta Romano '80, Kimberley D. Harris '96, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, NBCUniversal, Albert Horsting '18, and Catherine Chen '18 at Nov. 16, 2016 Chirelstein Colloquium.
“During their time at school, Law School students are able to meet and learn from some of the best practitioners in corporate law and business through CCL organized talks and conferences. I’ve seen firsthand how Law School alumni who have connected via CCL benefit from these connections later on in their careers.”